
“Zaino Civico”:


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Description, phases and times of realization

Origin of the initiative

The Zaino Civico represents a further stage of development of the Progetto Premio Res Publica.  Started in 2016, the latter (the Award) stimulates righteousness, integrity and community of purpose as guidelines in society. It is aimed at all of us citizens, who are confronted on a daily basis with the task of protecting what past generations have built over time: let us keep this past - environment, and also the forces/thoughts/attitudes that have shaped our culture - attractive. The project is aimed above all at young people who still need attention that is still lacking: let young people feel part of civic life, for everyone's well-being. On these foundations the Civic Backpack initiative was born, part of the project Res Publica, che i promotori intendono lanciare non appena i fondi sono disponibili.

The Zaino Civico, a youth awareness project, is a guiding tool on how to participate in common life in the most constructive way. Aimed at young people, the Backpack does not replace the entities in charge of educating the new cohorts: families and schools in the first place. On the contrary, it aims to help institutions - natural, educational, training, sporting, or voluntary for social and cultural aggregation - to re-propose to young people the notions of probity, generosity and industriousness as the sum of the art of living.

, a youth awareness project, is a guiding tool on how to participate in common life in the most constructive way. Aimed at young people, the Backpack does not replace the entities in charge of educating the new cohorts: families and schools in the first place. On the contrary, it aims to help institutions - natural, educational, training, sporting, or voluntary for social and cultural aggregation - to re-propose to young people the notions of probity, generosity and industriousness as the sum of the art of living.


The reactivation of the school teaching of Civic Education in Italy (suspended years ago) makes the Civic Backpack project an absolute priority - a pedagogical tool at school, where free distribution is foreseen to all interested students in post-elementary classes. 


The Zaino Civico project is conceived on the basis of the new means of information, with a double, convergent approach.

  1. a top-down educational commitment – understood as training material (on paper and on screen) prepared by qualified professionals; 
  2. bottom-up documentation – made and made available online by the public, especially young people, to whom the project is aimed (especially on screens: cell phones, tablets and laptops).

Life experiences lived in the family, at school, on the street, at work, studying or playing, shown through videos filtered and adapted to the associative audience and also to general listening. Experiences to bring to the attention of others precisely because they are admirable. 


The creation of the Civic Backpack requires the advancement of a preparatory project, The Observatory on the health of the res publica, a map of who/does what in civilian volunteering, and how each initiative progresses over time. From a practical point of view, the Observatory aims to mobilize the many parallel forces existing in the area, in order to generate synergies for the creation of the Civic Backpack. Here are the phases of the whole initiative:

Premio Res Publica for the enhancement of behaviors in favor of the common good: running since 2016 - 5 award events already held, for a total of around 20 awardees.

Observatory of the Res Publica, map of who/does what in civilian volunteering, and how each initiative progresses over time: under construction in Piedmont and Liguria in conjunction with the Civic Backpack project, to be expanded based on available resources.

Zaino Civico, to be implemented starting in relation to the available resources, for a duration of 18 months.

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