Press Review 2023 Edition
The Awards Res Publica 2023 awarded to the Sant'Egidio Community, to the Afghan artist Shamsia Hassani, to the RAI journalist Stefania Battistini and to the German Foundation Plant-for-the-Planet.
The “Civic Sense and Good Government” association reveals the winners of the sixth edition.
“The VI edition of the International Award will be held on Saturday 21 October Res Publica, attributed to individuals and associations who do their utmost to promote the common good and civic sense. This year the jury awards the prestigious award to the Sant'Egidio Community of Rome for the "Peace, solidarity and inclusion" sector. For the "Journalism from the war front" sector, the prize is awarded to the RAI journalist and TG1 correspondent, Stefania Battistini. Two foreign winners were awarded: the Afghan street artist Shamsia Hassani, for the "Rights and dignity of women" sector, and the foundation Plant-for-the-Planet for the “Earth and humanity” sector. The prize Res Publica it is symbolized in a sculpture by Riccardo Cordero. The award ceremony takes place in the historic La Missione church in Mondovì Piazza (CN).
The Jury awards the Award for the Section Peace, Solidarity and Inclusion, to the Sant'Egidio Community (Roma), movimento di ispirazione cattolica dedito alla pace, ai poveri e alla preghiera. Ammirevole è lo sforzo di promuovere lo sviluppo umano affinché le persone svantaggiate, nazionali e da oltre confine, siano libere di prosperare e vivere in dignità. Contando su 70 organizzazioni nazionali in diversi continenti, la Comunità Sant’Egidio coniuga, nell’ispirazione come nell’operato, i presupposti fondamentali del Premio: protezione del prossimo e del bene comune.
The Award Rights and Dignity of Women is assigned to the Afghan artist Shamsia Hassani per lo straordinario impianto socio-etico che ha realizzato negli anni, malgrado i rischi personali. La giuria riconosce la valenza civica dello sforzo di usare la forma di arte con maggiore impatto sul pubblico – i dipinti murali: un percorso artistico a cielo aperto che testimonia e amplifica i profondi convincimenti socio-culturali che motivano la premiata. Con estro senza precedenti i muri di Kabul prima, e dal 2021 in altre città si colorano di impegno responsabile, dando così forma all’obiettivo di promuovere dignità e uguaglianza per le donne in chiave estroversa e contemporanea.
With a sense of responsibility, in some of the most difficult circumstances in the world, RAI-TG1 correspondent Stefania Battistini demonstrates commitment to research and spreading the news – even when achieving the latter is risky. The jury is pleased to award you the Prize for the Sector War journalism and news from the front. Correct information, sometimes difficult in conditions of peace, is dangerous where conflicts are ongoing. Stefania Battistini demonstrates that she accepts the risk, understands the suffering of people as well as soldiers, to recover the meaning of life even when it is broken by death and destruction. The award winner is a symbol of the fundamental principle of res publica – honest and courageous information as a common good.
The jury admires the dedication of Fondazione Plant-for-the-Planet and the founder Felix Finkbeiner, in promoting awareness about climate change and environmental harmony. The jury honors the Foundation's talent in guiding global public opinion, and especially young people, through a concrete and symbolic initiative: planting millions of trees in every country, every year. Even teenagers can help protect the Common Destiny of the Planet and Humanity: there is no better example of promotion of the res publica.
The jury is pleased to invite journalists and correspondents to the award ceremony of the 2023 Award (sixth edition), which will take place on Saturday 21 October 2023 at 4.00 pm in the Church of the Mission, in Mondovì Piazza (CN 12084).”
tel: +39.0171.39.22.01

To the waiting journalists of accreditation:
On behalf of the International Prize Res Publica we are pleased to invite you to the award ceremony of the 2023 Award (sixth edition), which will take place on Saturday 21 October 2023 at 4.00 pm in the Church of the Mission, in Mondovì Piazza (CN – 12084).
Counting on your professional interest and participation, we remain available for further information regarding the Premio Res Publica, the extraordinary experiences of the 2023 awardees and other information. The press release with the names and motivations of the winners will be published on Tuesday 3 October 2023 at 10:00 am.
Please contact the Communications Director, Niko Gavoci, through the Organizational Secretariat.
If you are interested in interviewing any of the awardees before and/or during the event on 21 October 2023, please consult the Secretariat for logistics and support.
Best regards,
Sandra Gola
Organizational secretariat
tel. +39.0171.39.22.01

Press review 2022 Edition