"The circularity of good"

A bronze sculpture by the artist Riccardo Cordero is the recognition for the winners. In this bronze of light and informal geometry Cordero has enclosed his concept of good governance and civic sense.

Symbolic image of the Res Publica Prize: "Allegory and effects of Good and Bad Government" by Lorenzetti

Allegoria ed effetti del Buono e del Cattivo Governo. L’immagine simbolo del Premio Res Publica, usata nelle comunicazioni ufficiali e riportata nella home page del sito, è tratta dagli affreschi di Ambrogio Lorenzetti che rappresentano le allegorie e le conseguenze del Buon Governo e del Cattivo Governo. Il ciclo e’ conservato nel Palazzo Pubblico di Siena, databile al 1338-1339. Gli affreschi, che dovevano […]

Recovering the historical roots, true meaning of “social justice”

Una recensione di Giustizia sociale e sussidiarietà di Thomas Behr , che esplora l’opera di Luigi Taparelli, un pensatore cattolico che sosteneva un approccio alla politica basato sull’argomentazione del diritto naturale tomista. Cosa può dirci il pensiero sociale cattolico su come ordinare i nostri rapporti politici ed economici? Almeno da Quanta Cura (1864) e Rerum Novarum (1891), la dottrina sociale cattolica reagisce e commenta le “rivoluzioni” […]

Robert B. Reich’s “The Common Good”

193 pp. published by Alfred A. Knopf editor In recent decades, American public discourse has become hollow and shrill. Instead of morally robust debates about the common good, we have shouting matches on talk radio and cable television, and partisan food fights in Congress. People argue past one another, without really listening or seeking to persuade. This condition has diminished the public’s regard […]

Pope Francis, declaration on the common good

“The twofold level of social organization, political and economic, presupposes another no less essential one, which is the construction of a new civil conscience, the only one that can lead to true liberation from the adversities that afflict our culture. It is necessary to educate and educate oneself in constant vigilance on oneself and on the context in which one lives, increasing […]